The "Greatest" Ultimate Frisbee Bag Review
A duffle bag designed specifically for Ultimate Frisbee.
Today we will be reviewing the.. coolest? No, the awesomest? Nah, THE GREATEST bag to ever enter the Ultimate eco system. Every single aspect of this bag was designed with Ultimate in mind and hopefully after reading this poor-humored in-depth review you will think twice about ever using that awful drawstring backpack you got back in 5th grade.
The team over at Greatest has released two versions of this bag, a larger 60-liter model and, more recently, a smaller 45-liter model. Both bags are essentially the same (other than size obviously) but today all pictures and content will be geared towards the smaller version. In this review, we will break down this duffle into three segments; Usability, quality, and durability.
Usability - 5 out of 5
Picture this, a team of innovators sitting around a table discussing what to put into a bag designed for Ultimate. Days go by and they come up with an acceptable amount of features, then boss-man walks in and says “no no no, we can add more pockets!” Multiple prototypes later and alas, the Greatest bag was created *Lightning strike.* This bag has so many pockets that I swear I still find a new zipper from time to time.
Lets get down to it, what are all these magical features that this bag offers?
- Elastic bands on top to perfectly holds discs and/or cleats
- Inner pocket on main flap for toiletries
- A good sized duffle area for clothes, that one was a given
- A ventilated cleat pocket that is completely waterproof to the inside of the bag
- A side pocket that is very insulated to keep drinks cold, also waterproof to the inside of the bag
- A side pocket for more stuff, which also comes with a free re-usable ice pouch for injuries or cooling off.
This is probably the point at which I’d say, Great! This bag is phenomenal and I would definitely buy one. But no, there is more.
- A main front pocket with a whole mess of stuff:
- A full zipper on the bottom of the bag unveils a padded backpack option, the flap then rolls nicely to be hooked up top OR the flap can be used to sit on wet ground.
- Another small zipper unveils a completely waterproof cover that fits snug over the entire bag in poor weather.
- The bag can be carried in backpack style, duffle style with the two handles on top, OR over your shoulder with an included strap.
There is not a single inch of this bag that doesn’t do something cool. Everything has a purpose and every feature I used at some point without even knowing I needed it. The smaller 45-liter option is the perfect size in my opinion for a weekend tournament. You can easily fit 2 days worth of clothes, cleats, a disc, multiple bottles of water, first aid, hygiene products, your cat, your neighbors cat, and plenty of snacks for the tournament. It’s even the perfect size just to take to practice every night. The bigger 60-liter option I’d recommend if you frequent week-longer tournaments. I’ll be honest with you, this bag I use for everything. Yes, I cheat on Ultimate and take this bag to the gym with me, I even packed my stuff and visited my parents for the weekend.
Quality - 5 out of 5
Just when you thought this bag could not get any better, IT IS ALSO BULLET PROOF. Just kidding, it is not, I tried. But it is made with 900D Ripstop Ballistic Nylon (the grey semi-reflective material) which offers plenty of advantages. For one, it is water resistant and wicks away liquids. However if left in water too long it will begin to absorb, luckily there is an actual-water-proof cover included just in case. Ballistic nylon is also very light and durable. It is very resistant to ripping, punctures, and apparently shrapnel from artillery blasts (that’s how it got its name). The bag is is sewn together tightly and the zippers are high quality, meaning they don’t get stuck and zip along nicely.
The Greatest 45-liter duffle retails for $109.00. In terms of quality, I think it is well worth the price. This bag will easily last you through your entire college career, through your first job, your mid-life crises, and may be capable of being passed down to your next generation of disc-flickers. I recently took the bag to quite possibly the rainiest and muddiest 3-day tournament. I utilized all of the features possible but at one point the bag still got drenched in rain, mud, sweat, and tears. I thought “crap I still have to take pictures of the bag for the review!” But with a couple wet wipes and a good cleaning, I was surprised that nothing stained and the bag still looked like new. Overall quality? Cinco out of cinco.
Durability - 5 out of 5
Quality and durability go hand in hand. The bags quality is top of the line so, you guessed it, durability is off the charts. We don’t necessarily have top-of-the-line testing equipment here at the HQ so honestly we just hit the bag against a brick wall a bunch of times and took turns slamming it on the ground. We also doused it with a hose and called it demeaning names to see if it would break. In addition, we used it normally for about 8 weeks. Our multi-billion dollar supercomputer computed the results (this is why we have no money for testing equipment), and the fact is that this bag has got some balls. No rips, no tears, barely even a scratch. The only this that appeared on it is a few abrasions to the fabric seams. The bag also seemed completely un-affected by the name calling. All in all, this bag has what it takes to last through the entirety of your Ultimate Career.
We try to review products with two units of measurement, how the product actually is, and how much better can it get. Typically, the product can always get better in some way thus receiving a score less than 5 out of 5. However in this case, the Greatest Ultimate Frisbee 45-liter duffle bag is the first product on the HQ to receive a perfect score, a solid 5 out of 5. It does not, and can not, get better than this ladies and gentlemen. I whole-heartedly recommend this bag to every single Ultimate player. Like seriously, we need to make fun of the kids that don’t have this bag. Let’s agree to make that a thing.
At this point you are probably asking yourself why you are still reading this review and not in the process of purchasing this nylon knapsack of gnarlyness. That answer lies within the button below. One simple click will change your life.