Ultimate Frisbee Terms

The terms marked with a red diamond  indicate vocabulary that beginners should definitely know.  


The word “Across” is sometimes used before a Pull as a speedier way to match up with an opponent. Instead of each teammate individually picking a mark as stated in the “Calling Lines” definition, someone will say “Across” meaning to mark whomever is directly across on the other team. For example, if I was standing 2nd to the left when my team is standing on the line I would mark the person 2nd to the left on the other team. In the coed game, “gender across” adds the caveat that (assuming equal guy/girl ratios on each team) if a guy is lined up across from a girl, he would mark the next guy down in the line. In other words, guys would mark guys and girls would mark girls.



An Airbender is an exceptionally good "Handler" capable of manipulating the frisbee in ways never thought possible. They seem to complete every single pass with incredible accuracy and execution, no matter the situation. They are also a master of every single throw and typically know the game very well. “Airbender” is among one of the most prestigious nicknames to be called in Ultimate. There used to be countless Ultimate Frisbee Airbenders in existence but that all changed when the fire-nation attacked.



When a player dives for the disc either on offense or defense. A bid is basically a player diving, falling intentionally, or any more-than-average attempt to catch the disc.  Bidding is an essential part of Ultimate on both offense and defense. In addition,  it looks freakin’ awesome.


Similar to the word “virginity,” bidginity relates to the first time someone bids. Bidding is a mindset everybody has to overcome. Running full speed and bellyflopping the ground for the first time can be intimidating. Bidding may be uncomfortable at first, and there might even be a little bruising. But once it’s all over you’ll realize it wasn’t so bad and that you'll want to do it again. Everyone will praise you for losing your bidginity and you’ll want to tell everyone the intimate details of the moment. Most people lose it in college or even high school, and there’s always that one kid that lost it in middle school. There is nothing that will bring you closer to the sport you love, so don’t be afraid to get down and dirty. 


This is usually a throw gone wrong that causes the disc to be vertical in the air, a vertical disc comes down hard and fast and can be very hard to catch. Additionally, a blade can also warp the disc if it lands too hard. 


This is when you are directly responsible for successful defensive play causing a turnover, then catch the disc in the end-zone in the same point. You are the beginning and the end. Doing bookends regularly builds status among your Ultimate peers. 

Break (or getting broken)   

When "Forcing" you are making the player that is holding the disc throw a certain direction. A break is when your attempt fails and they throw the direction you are guarding against. A teammate may yell “no break!” if there is an opposing player wide open on the guarded side, this means try extra hard to guard that side.


Happens when a freshly pulled disc goes out-of-bounds. The receiving team takes the disc to the brick-mark which is centrally located and 20 yards in-field from the receiving teams end-zone line. A brick is signified by clapping hands once over head or by calling “Brick.

Bullet Pass (or Laser)

An extremely fast moving frisbee with a lot of spin will be considered a “bullet.” It is a pass that typically stays low to the ground and is mostly used to "Thread the Needle" in tight situations. The disc flies fast and perfectly straight similar to a bullet. In most cases, your hand will be hurting after catching or defending a bullet pass.



Essentially one of the greatest and most prestigious plays in Ultimate. It is when the opposing team in inside of their own end-zone either because they were pushed back to it defensively or because of a long "Pull." They make a pass but you intercept it while inside of their engine, this results in an immediate point for your team. This is one of the rarest plays in Ultimate. 

Calling Lines   

When both teams line up on each others "end-zone" before the "Pull." Calling lines is for the defensive team (The team pulling to the offense) and means to pick the player you are going to cover for the entire point. You will see the 7 opposing players lined up from left to right waiting for the pull. Pretend that they are numbered left to right (like reading a book) 1 through 7. Say you want to guard the person standing sixth in line. A teammate will yell out “ZERO” to start the count. It is key to wait your turn as your teammates call out, in numerical order, “ONE” (meaning he/she is covering the first in line), a different teammate would yell “TWO”, another “THREE”, “FOUR”, “FIVE”, then you would yell “SIX” and the final teammate that hasn’t said a number automatically gets seven. If the opposing team happens to change order make sure you still have the original person you picked.

Clear out  

Most plays in Ultimate plays have to do with organizing the field to have open areas for players to get open. These areas are usually meant for one person to try to get open, and if they don't, get out of the area for another person to try. Clearing out means that you or someone have been in that open area too long are being asked to get out of the designated open area. 

Clogging the lane 

Similar to the definition of "Clear out", most play in Ultimate have to do keeping a section of the field clear for cutters to get open in. If you are standing in this area you might hear someone say "Clear out! You are clogging the lane!"

Conservation of Greatness

Invented by Sir Albert Einstein himself (not really) this term insinuates that we all have a spiritual tank of greatness that fills up slowly over time. When the moment strikes you use this tank of greatness to make an exceptional out-of-character play like jumping over 3 people for a fingertip catch or diving 12 feet for a theatrical interception. But then, the tank empties, so when you get up and all focus is now on you while the crowd is cheering in disbelief, you drop the disc, pass it into the ground, or throw it to nobody making a complete fool of yourself. 


Contest  (pronounced cun-test) 

Not to be confused with the word meaning competition. It is pronounced Cun-test. When a foul occurs between two players the player that was wronged would call “FOUL.” According to the "Spirit Of The Game" the player that allegedly fouled should honestly admit if they feel they have wronged. If the fouler denies that they have wronged then they have contested the foul usually resulting in a re-do. This is a crucial word to have in your Ultimate Frisbee vocabulary.


The awkward flight path of a hammer throw if thrown too hard. A hammer should only curve once and land so the top of the disc meets the ground. A corkscrew is when it curves twice forming a double-helix making it very hard to read and catch.



An extremely common and highly effective defensive zone-defense tactic in Ultimate Frisbee. We have a separate article explaining the Cup in full detail.



A juke or sudden change in direction while trying to get open to receive the disc. An in-cut is when you run towards the thrower while an out-cut is the opposite.


The two main offensive positions in Ultimate are the handler and the cutter. The cutters job is to cut, juke, and get open for a handler to pass to them. The main job of the cutter is to catch at all costs, and then to return it to a handler and repeat. The cutter does not need to be good at throwing, but it is preferred that they can run, catch, and know basic Plays.

Cherry Picker   

Someone who doesn’t move much and just stays in the end zone waiting for a long throw. This is typically frowned upon.

Check Feet   

No, your shoe laces are not untied. Check Feet means to check whether or not you are out of bounds. Sometimes you will catch the disc close (or on) the sideline, you may hear a teammate or opponent say “check feet!” which is basically them asking you if you are in or not, especially if your playing Ultimate with cones rather than painted lines.

Chicken Wing

A not-so-common type of Ultimate Throw that can be used in special situations.


The game of Ultimate gets pretty intense at times. Some players get anxious with the disc and end up making a bad pass or throw especially early in the stall count. Telling a teammate to “stay chilly” is equivalent to saying “take your time” or “don’t do anything crazy.”



Stands for “Defense.”  Another commonly used expression is “Catch your D’s” meaning instead of just slapping the disc away for a defense, catch the disc. This will eliminate the chance of you slapping the disc into the hands of your opponent, which happens pretty frequently.


What us Ultimate players use in games is an official sports-disc, not a frisbee. The word “Frisbee” is actually a trade-marked name of Wham-O. It is equivalent to referring to any car as a Honda, instead of using just the word “car.” In this example “car” is a sports-disc and “Honda” is a frisbee. It is just something we have come to call the round plastic thing we throw around.   If you want to join the Ultimate culture you will have to replace the word “frisbee” with “disc.” An official Ultimate sports disc is 175 grams and the official mold governed by USA Ultimate is made by Discraft or Innova. This is an Ultra-Star 175G Ultimate Disc.


After a stop in play from the disc going out of bounds, a foul, or interference the player with the disc MUST tap it to the ground, or the opponents hand, to resume play. Yelling “Disc-In!” is completely optional but is ideal to let your team know to start moving. Your opponent might yell it as well for the same reason.

Double Team

When holding the disc only one player can be within 10 feet of you, usually the player stalling you. If another player is within the 10 feet you can call “double team” and the stall count will restart. Note: opposing players are allowed to run and defend teammates within the 10 feet as long as they aren’t intentionally trying to block you.


Stands for "Defender of men". Not to get political, but this is a term to describe someone that would typically guard a male player. This DOM play can be any gender.


Stands for "Defender of women". Not to get political, but this is a term to describe someone that would typically guard a female player. This DOW play can be any gender.


Passing it backward to someone behind you, usually a "Handler."


Best way to score a point in my opinion. This maneuver works very well if done at a fast pace. Simply pass it to an open player behind you, that player immediately throws it to a player on the opposite sideline, and that player immediately throws it up field to another player and the play repeats. If done correctly it will be difficult for the opposing defense to set up a play. This works best against the Cup.


Elevator Pass

An Ultimate Throw commonly used indoors and sometimes outdoors.


Just like in Football. In outdoor Ultimate the end zones are 25 yards deep. These dimensions can be altered as long as both end zones are equal. A player must catch the disc inside of the end zone to score a point.


Flip for Disc   

Like flipping a coin, the captains of each team flip a disc to determine who gets what side. The top of the disc is heads, which is the part of the disc where there is typically a picture. The bottom is tails, which is the bowl-looking part of the disc. Typically, someone who is not a captain will flip the disc so it turns multiple times, and then the two opposing captains will call heads or tails while the disc is in the air. The winner of the toss decides whether they want to throw the disc to start the game or to receive. OR they can decide which side of the field to start on. Whatever the winner of the coin toss decides, the other captain gets to pick whatever option is left. Note: In my experience the disc lands tails more than half the time. So call tails if you want a better chance at winning the toss. You didn’t hear that from me.


Next to backhand, the flick is the most commonly used Ultimate Throw.

Face Guarding

When marking an opponent it is best to look at them rather than looking at the thrower.  By doing this, it makes it much harder for them to escape your grasp to get open. You may then ask.. “well, then how would I know when the disc is coming?” An “UP!” call is typically yelled by a teammate to let the rest of the team know to turn away from their mark and start looking for the disc. Face guarding is a highly effective defensive maneuver.

Fast Stall

We all get antsy sometimes especially in the heat of play. Each stall count is supposed to be one-second long but in the midst of battle we may count faster than a second which can be called by the thrower, known as a stallout. If the staller doesn’t agree with the throwers call, they can "Contest" the call causing the stall count to move back only 2 seconds. If the play is not contested the count goes back to zero. A stall count for outdoor Ultimate is 10 seconds, indoor Ultimate is usually 7 seconds, and beach Ultimate is usually 6 seconds.

Foot Block (or kick Block)

Some leagues do not allow this. It is how it sounds, a block with a foot. Make sure to check with the league or tournament rules before doing a foot block.


You can force forehand, force backhand or force home/away. Forcing means to make the opposing thrower throw a certain way by standing on the opposite side. For example to force backhand would mean to stand on their right side completely giving them the ability to backhand. But making it next to impossible to throw a "Flick". You would have successfully forced them to throw a backhand which is huge when it comes to plays and strategy. Forcing flick would be stopping the opposing thrower from throwing a backhand. 

Force Home/Away   

First look at forcing above. Just like how you would make an opposing thrower throw backhand you can make them throw Home or Away. Home is typically where your teams water, bags, and subs are. Home can also be where there is a school, an entrance to the park, or a parking lot. Your team will establish a home if it is too confusing. Away would be the opposite like a tree line, a vacant sideline, empty fields, etc. If you were to force home, you would stand on the opposite side of the thrower to make them throw towards the side of the field closest to home.

Fire Fire Fire!

zone defense consists of players guarding a particular portion of the field rather than a specific player. Calling “FIRE!” means to switch to person-defense. 


Get Big   

Usually yelled out to a player that needs to jump great lengths to get the disc. It is simply motivation for said player to get bigger (or higher). The combination of the words “get” and “big” have been used since ancient times to positively promote increased elevation when snagging the sweet circle from the heavens.

(The) Greatest

Essentially the greatest play in Ultimate. It is when the disc gets thrown out-of-bounds, before the disc touches the ground a receiving player jumps from in-bounds, catches the disc in the air, and throws in back into play before he/she lands. If JUST that is done, it’s awesome. But if another player then catches it resuming play with no turnover, it’s even more awesome. And if you catch the disc in the end zone after the Greatest you will be nothing short of a legend.


Hand Block

When stalling or forcing an opponent who is about to throw the disc you inconveniently place your hand in the the way of their throw, thus blocking or deflecting the disc. In order for this to be legal, and not a foul, the disc would have had to completely left the hand of your opponent even if it’s for a split second.


There are really only two main positions in Ultimate, The handler and the cutter. The handler is the one that handles the disc. Typically, the handler is an experienced player that has mastered at least the three main throws of Ultimate.. the hammer, backhand, and forehand. The handlers job is to stay back like a quarterback while the cutters try to get open. The handler will throw to the cutter to hopefully progress up the field. Since not everyone is capable of being a handler, the term can also used to describe a person’s skill level and experience.


A very common used Ultimate Throw which is thrown over the head.

Hard Cap

Hard cap is when time runs out at the end of the game. Often games are "win-by-two" but if hard-cap is initiated mid-point then after the point finishes whoever has the highest wins. Comes after "Soft Cap." 


A type of Ultimate Throw that can be added to both the backhand and the flick.

Ho (Horizantal) Stack   

A super common offensive Ultimate Frisbee play that everyone should be familiar with. Everything you need to know about it can be found Here.

Hospital pass

A pass that goes high and floats back down to earth slowly, allowing multiple players to get under it. Hospital passes tend to cause a lot of collisions and flying elbows which may result in injury, hence hospital.  

Hot Box

When not enough players show up to have a full scrimmage or theres not enough room for a full field hotbox is the perfect game. Just indicate a 4′ by 4′ box in the middle of the playing area, make teams of at least two players, and play. The box is the end zone for both teams. Make a pass minimum which has to be met before one can score (like 4 passes). All other rules are like the real game.

Huck  (Huk) 

A long throw down field. Huck may be spelled differently depending on the country you play.



This Ultimate Frisbee term comes from the word “intimidate.” It basically means getting a defense without touching the disc or the player. How does that happen you ask? The mere pitter-patter of your footsteps behind an opponent trying to catch a disc is sometimes enough to get them to tense up and subconsciously brace for impact. This distraction is sometimes enough to get them to lose focus on the disc for a split second resulting in a drop. Don’t get intimi-D’ed!

Iso (Isolate)

On offense, A teammate may yell “Iso _[Name]_!” (The blank being someone’s name or nickname). This means for everyone else to clear away from that person so they can receive a pass. Opposing players usually don’t know your teammates names so this play is meant to take advantage of that.



Lag is a term often used to describe the amount of float time of a thrown disc. A disc can stay in the air for a long time depending on multiple factors such as wind, type of throw, and spin. “Lag” is usually used when talking about the Pull. The best kind of Pull is one that stays afloat for a long time allowing your teammates (and yourself) more time to get to the other end of the field. For more lag time it is best to throw the disc high and keep it as flat as possible. If you successfully managed to Lag, by the time the first offender picks up the disc they will already have your entire team covering them.


We all know that player that bids and lays out for every disc, sometimes way more than they need to. If you know someone whose belly touches the ground more than their feet, they are most definitely a landshark.


Basically another word for a Bid. A layout is more when you are running and dive forward with two hands out sliding flat on your chest to catch or block the disc. A bid is a more broad term meaning ANY type of dive.


One of the most epic things to ever happen in Ultimate Frisbee. It is the act of jumping so high to grab a disc that you literally jump over someone in the process. I found this video on YouTube which is the perfect example of a Leapfrog.


A type of Ultimate Throw that can be added to both the backhand and the flick.


Man Defense (Or person-defense)

The most common defensive tactic in Ultimate. Simply put, you are assigned one person on the other team. It is up to you to guard that person at all costs, never leave them or let them out of your reach. If your assigned player catches a point it is almost entirely your fault, so guard hard my friend. For a more in depth explanation check the play Person-Defense.


When you are told to cover a specific person they are your mark. Stay on your mark at all costs.  It is your job to not let that single person get the disc, and to escape them when you are trying to get open for the disc.


When playing Man (person) Defense, you will be assigned a mark to cover and to stay on throughout the entire point. Typically, you will be marking someone equal, or close to equal, your height, speed and/or skill level. A Mismatch occurs when one of the two opposing players is significantly better or worse than the other. An example could be putting a 5′ 2″ guy on an opposing 6′ 5″ guy or putting a rookie player on a veteran player. Mismatches will always occur especially if the other teams skill levels are unknown at the time of marking. Always look for the Mismatch because sometimes they will work in your favor.


O (or O-Point)

Stands for “Offense.” Not nearly used as much as the term “D.” But can be used to say O-point which means your team is on the offense. The flip would be a D-point.


OB is short for out-of-bounds.


This stands for Outside-In. Frisbees do not fly straight most of the time. Their flight path can bend to resemble an arc. Experienced players are able to control this arc in order to curve the disc around an opponent and/or get it in a hard-to-reach spot. If you are a righty you would throw a backhand off the left side of your body. An O/I would make an arc on the left side of you eventually landing at medium distance straight in front of you. The opposite of this is an I/O.

Offense Dictates

This means that if a game has modified rules, like how many men or women can be on the field in a co-ed game, the offense would dictate the rule when they are on offense only. For example. If you have 4 ready-to-play ladies, and the other team only has 2 that don't want to play Savage, the captains may agree that whoever is on offense can determine how many girls will play that point. So if your on offense and play one girl, the enemies only need to play one, but if they are on offense and play 2 girls, you are forced to play 5-2.



A type of catch where a player claps his/her hands on the top and bottom of the disc. This is the most secure way to catch but limits one’s reach compared to the alligator catch.


When guarding a person on defense you are given the right to guard them without interference. Say you're on defense and guarding an opposing player by basically following them everywhere they go. If another player, whether a teammate or enemy, gets in the way or cuts you off allowing your Mark to escape and receive the disc you can call “pick!” That’s right, you can call pick on your own player. This call will result in a re-do if the player catches the disc, if the pass is not completed it will result in a turnover.

Pick-up game   

An unofficial game of Ultimate that may lack some rules and intensity. It is mostly for fun or practice.

Pivot Foot   

Like in basketball you must establish a foot to twist and turn on when holding the disc. This is your pivot foot. If you are a righty your pivot should be your left foot and visa versa. Your pivot foot must stay planted on the ground until the disc leaves your hands. A lifted pivot foot will result in a travel call.


When the opposing team is running a Cup, it is best that your team knows how to pop. The Cup’s goal is to close in on your player with the disc to not allow them to throw. This causes the stall count to get higher and to hopefully make the thrower make a bad pass or get stalled out completely. To pop, a cutter will “crash” the cup. This means the cutter will run right up to the thrower in between the defense and catch the disc at point blank range. The popper typically throws the disc right back to the original player immediately. The only purpose of a popper is to reset the stall count. Note: Hand-offs are not allowed, the disc must completely leave ones hand before it enters another.


A player would yell “Poach!” if he/she is WIDE open. Not just a little open but really open. 99% of the time the player yelling poach would receive the disc. If the disc is defended it is not the throwers fault but the player who yelled it (assuming the throw is decent).

Point Block

Sometimes used as a phrase to replace “Hand Block.” It is also sometimes synonymous with both hand block and foot block. The idea is that your blocking a potential point from being made.


The first throw off to start the game or to start a new point.

Push Pass

A super-short-range Ultimate Throw commonly used indoors and sometimes outdoors.



When a disc is thrown it can do many things. It can go straight, curve all different directions, come backwards, be greatly effected by wind, etc. “Reading” the disc means that you can accurately predict where it may land. We all know that player that runs right when the disc is clearly going left. Don't be that player. Read the disc.

Run Through!   

Very important for beginners. If you can’t throw too well, but you can catch, there is zero reason behind you picking up the disc after you or someone defended it. A more experienced teammate will often say Run Through meaning don’t touch the disc, they will pick it up. Just get open again.


Same or Different   

Like "Flip for Disc", This is meant to choose sides or whether or not to throw/receive the disc at the beginning of the game. To make the toss more fair one player from each team will flip the disc. A captain will call “same or different” while in the air. If both discs land with the same side facing up or down, it’s same. If one of the discs lands differently, then it's different. Pretty easy right? The reason why this is better than Flip for Disc is because a member from each team flips, eliminating any foul play.

Savage (playing savage)

In outdoor Ultimate there are 7 players on the field. A full team usually consists of around 10-15+ players giving everyone a chance to sub and rest. A team that is going Savage is a full team that only has 7 players all together. No subs. It’s rough, real rough.


A type of Ultimate Throw commonly used in tight situations.


Making a fool out of someone by faking a throw and making them call “Up!” while you still control the disc. The defender must do a full 180 twist looking for the disc for maximum embarrassment.

Sky (Skied)   

When two opposing players jump up to try and catch the disc and one of those players jumps significantly higher than the other making the catch. One would say “Good catch man, you totally skied that kid.”


Ripping the disc out of the air as quickly as possible. Kind of resembles a frog catching a fly, but with your hand of course.


First read what a Bullet Pass is. A Snipe is basically a completed bullet pass. If the thrower successfully manages to throw the disc at bullet-like speeds through a group of people he/she could be referred to as a sniper. Through precision, accuracy, and a deep breath they successfully sniped their own player in the back of the end zone pulling off what was thought to be impossible.

Soft Cap

So lets say the game is to 15 points and your winning 12-11 and exactly 60 minutes have gone by, which is the soft cap. This means that although the game is supposed to go to 15 points, it is now win-by-two.  Meaning that a score of 13-11 or 14-12 can win the game. Hard Cap is the official end of the game no matter what.

Spiderman Jump

In indoor Ultimate,  some tournaments have a gym wall marking the back of the end zone. A Spiderman jump is when a player jumps off the wall and catches the disc. The best kind of Spiderman is when you use the wall to get higher than if you jumped normally. First check with the tourney rules before you attempt this.

Spirit of the Game   

Like the Bible has the Ten Commandments, Ultimate players have the Spirit of the Game. It is the foundation of Ultimate and it is what separates Ultimate from many other sports. It runs deep in every player. It can only be explained by the official USA Ultimate Governing Body .

Spirit Foul

As talked about in the vocabulary word above, spirit plays a big role in Ultimate Frisbee. The morals of an Ultimate player is unmatched by any other sport. Some of these morals aren’t listed in the official rule book and have been born from the Ultimate culture. So a “Spirit Foul” is essentially something that goes against the average morals of a player but without officially breaking any rules. An example could be denying an obvious foul simply to gain field advantage, or by putting a super-experienced player on an obvious rookie. 


A very common strategy used by many teams. Check out Plays to learn everything you need to know about Stack.


A player only has ten seconds to throw the disc. But only if an opposing player is within ten feet of them and stalling them. You would run up and say, loud enough for the thrower to hear, STALL 1, STALL 2, STALL 3…..STALL 10. Be reasonable, you can’t do your stalls super fast or your opponent will call a Fast Stall. Each stall should take about one second. The stall-count ends at the T* in STALL T*en, this is called a Stall-out and would result in a turnover from that spot.


A Stallout is when a defender fully stalls an offender with the disc for 10 full seconds (listed above). A turnover will result if a Stallout occurs in the spot at which the call was made. Only the staller can call a Stallout if one occurs.


When a player is forcing a particular way they are leaving a portion of the field completely open. It is your teams’ job to guard that open portion of the field. Sometimes an opposing player will stray away from a team member and become completely open. A team member would yell “Strike!” for you to change your force for about 3 seconds, long enough for them to get back on their man. Make sure you return to your normal force right after.


A type of foul. When the disc is flying through the air it is nobody’s. It is not until a player catches the disc and fully stops rotation that the disc is considered theirs. After a player stops rotation and it is taken or knocked from their hand by an opposing player a strip can be called. A tie where both players grab the disc at the same time always goes to the offense.


When a terrible pass has been made which calls for extreme effort by the catcher. Like a pass that lacks spin or goes too far, short or wide.


When you have the disc someone may yell at you to “Swing!” meaning switch the field. In other words throw it to somebody on the opposite sideline. This usually happens when both teams starts clustering on one side of the field when the entire other side is vacant.



A word no disc owner wants to hear. Its is a term for a warped disc. Usually caused by an intense Blade or just overuse. It’s a horrible feeling if your brand new disc gets taco’d by someone rolling over it.

Thread the Needle

When the disc is thrown to a teammate through a crowd of people that can easily defend the disc. It usually happens intentionally with the use of a Bullet Pass. The disc must be low-flying and almost touch two or more players before it reaches its destination. It is a great sight to see when it happens.


Another Ultimate Throw that is throw using the thumb and resembles the flight path of a hammer throw.


A type of foul. When holding the disc you cannot move (you’re allowed to slow down to a stop if caught while running). Traveling is similar to Basketball. You must establish a pivot foot in which you can swing your body back and forth on. If you throw righty you would usually plant your left foot to pivot on. A travel is when your pivot foot lifts off the ground before you throw the disc.

Trapping Line

When using the Cup, the initial goal is to divert the opposing team to a sideline by blocking all other options for a pass. When you successfully channelled the team to the sideline you will want to “trap line.” This is the act of the Mark moving 10 feet behind the thrower to block any dumps, the Big Man becoming the new mark and forcing line, and the Outside blocking any throws up line. This tactic makes it extremely hard for the thrower to make any pass, even a dump. If done right the thrower will get stalled out or make a terrible pass at stall 9.


The first time I heard this word I severely over-analyzed the meaning. I thought it was the name of another team, a college, a secret play, a type of throw, I had not a single clue. Tourney is simply short for the word “tournament.”


A team has possession of the disc until there is a turnover. It is how it sounds, you turn it over to the other team. Players usually call it a “turn” for short. A turn is a result of a dropped or defended pass, a stall-out, an un-contested foul, or an out-of-bounds.


Universe Point

The last point of the game. Basically means that whichever teams scores the next point, we are going home. Mostly used in Pick-Up games.

Up !  

A defensive or offensive player will call UP! when the disc has been thrown to let the entire team know a throw was made.


Vert Stack (vertical)

The most common offensive play in Ultimate. Learn the Vert stack, or learn how to Guard against Vert Stack. _________________________________________


There are two types of defensive tactics in Ultimate, zone and man defense. Zone is when you guard a specific portion of the field while man defense focuses on guarding a specific player. The most effective form of zone defense in Ultimate is known as the Cup.

11th Edition Rules   

The Bible of Ultimate. This booklet contains EVERYTHING. It can be found on the Official USA Ultimate Page under 11th Edition Rules.

Did you find everything your looking for? Is there a vocabulary word missing? Don’t hesitate to message us, we will do the best we can to add something that deserves to be in the Ultimate Frisbee Dictionary!