Ultimate Frisbee Team Names

Ultimate Frisbee Team Names & Ideas

So you made an Ultimate team didn’t you? And you want an awesome team name, right? Well your in luck! Below is a list of the most witty, clever, and funny Ultimate Frisbee team names ever, along with a few ideas to help make your own name. We have searched long and hard for the best team names for Ultimate Frisbee.We even have a Random Name Generator!

Most of the suggestions below are made up from the Ultimate Frisbee Dictionary. It is recommended you check that page to make some of your own original and unique team names, and be sure to submit them here!


Submit a name!



All submissions are reviewed upon sending. Some names may be rejected for obvious reasons. Your team name will be posted within 24 hours.   

Popular Ultimate Frisbee Team Names


Air Traffic Control
Backhanded Compliments
Beer Pressure
Beginner's Le Huck
Boats & Ho Stacks
Callahan Killers
Chick Flix
DISCgusting D's
DISCpiciple Me
DISCrete DISCriminators
Disc Jockeys
Disc in a box
Disc-o Fever
Double D's
Dream Catchers
Down To Flick (DTF)
Dump Trucks
Duck Hunt
Erectile DISCfuction
Masters of DISCguise
Game of Throws
High Life
Huck, Huck, Goose
The Huck Dynasty
Huge Dumps
Huck so Hard
Huck Buddies
Huck Norris
Huck N Duck
Hucking like rabbits
Huck of The Irish
Hucking Fooligans
Frisbeats chicachicawhaaat
FrisBEE's (for black/yellow)
Fat Stacks
Floppy Discs
(The) Fat and the Furious
Justdisc League
No DiSCounts
Red Skies (Blue Skies, Yellow Skies, etc)
Mother Huckers
Slam Dumps
Slipped Discs
Sunny D's
Stacks on Deck
The Mighty Hucks
The Rubber Hucks
Total Diskheads
Turf Smurfs (for a blue team)
*team color* DISCharge
Raging Frisboners
Risky Frizzness
Viable Dumps
Whiskey Disc
We Swing Both Ways
6 jerks and a squirt
7 girls, one cup ;)




Make your own Team Name

Use a combination of popular adjectives and nouns below to help create a unique name that fits your Ultimate Frisbee team best. Or use the generator for more ideas. 

 Ultimate Frisbee Team names


Team Name Generator

Click Here



Descriptive Adjetives

Click to drop down



Popular Nouns – Mix them with the adjectives 

Click to drop down



All words that start with DISC

Click to drop down



More user generated Ultimate Frisbee team names

Click to drop down









Now that you have a sick new team name, be sure your up-to-date on all the Ultimate Plays to really kill the competition. Or just impress them with some Super Fancy Throws.